
Monday, April 13, 2020

Has God rejected His people Critically discuss Pa Essays

Has God rejected His people? Critically discuss Paul's response to this question with particular reference to Roman's in chapters 9-11. The Book of Romans is a beautiful study of systematic theology, getting into the details of deep doctrines of the faith in Christ Jesus and the righteousness of God the Lord. Paul, in his epistle to Roman Church, navigates through the topics of faith in God, final redemption of Israel, study about Jesus Christ (Christology), the state of Church at Rome, spiritual gifts, the Christian's mind, attitude, the election and the spiritual perseverance of Christian saints. The Roman church people were mostly Gentiles. The Christians at Rome had to undergo several horrible persecutions and torture during those periods (Meeks 2003). Despite suffering all these tortures, Christians at Rome matured and became bold and stronger in the faith. God in his wisdom could see the miseries and struggles of people of Rome and knew that they would really appreciate good counseling. He sent them heavenly manna showered through the pen of Paul (Roetzel 1999). Paul's letter to the Church at Rome (Church mostly constituted by Gentile population likely founded by Paul himself) was in AD 58 prior to his trip to Jerusalem in order to distribute the alms given to be delivered to the poor over there. He had planned to visit Rome followed by Spain (Romans 15: 24). This epistle was intended to prepare way for Paul's visit to Christians at Rome in order to give necessary counsel to idolatrous, backsliding, unbelieving population there (Hooker 2003). The formal nature of this epistle announces its significance and appropriateness. The book of Romans proclaimed the theory of justification by faith. Paul introduces the approach and concept of sinners receiving the experience of salvation, through the grace acquired through faith in Christ Jesus, irrespective of their physical, spiritual and racial background. God is merciful unto all. Paul opens his heart through this epistle affirming that he is a bondservant of Jesus Christ. Johannes Munck in his book, Paul and the Salvation of Mankind, tries to explore Paul's position and attitude in the light of his missionary works. He watches Paul right from his calling at Damascus. The experience of Paul regarding the heavenly call was found similar to that experienced by Jeremiah and Servant of II Isaiah (a similar call bringing salvation to Gentiles). The kingdom of God is waiting for the fulfillment of the proclamation of gospel to Gentiles. The point of completion of the quota of Gentiles is a crucial factor in redemptive history as given in the book. There begins the Israel redemption and the arrival of antichrist followed by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ for his chosen ones, bringing judgment according to human deeds. According to the book, Peter and Paul had different approaches to gospel. Peter approached Israel directly whereas Paul concluded that Israel is unyielding and approached Gentiles (Evans Porter 2000). Munck watches the Jewish community at the time of Acts. Jesus' and his disciples' mission were centered in Jerusalem, as Jerusalem was the centre and gospel may spread from there (Munck 1960). But Israel showed negative attitude to gospel. They were rebellious to the word of God and refused to believe that Jesus is from heaven and he is the Messiah whom they were waiting for. Because of this attitude of Israel, Paul went to Gentiles for proclaiming gospel expecting that winning Gentiles will help winning Israel. Paul thinks that the number of Gentiles would be fulfilled very soon. Not all the Gentiles were evangelized, but they were given options to be for or against Christ, which is explained by Munck as 'representative universalism'. In the closing chapters, Munck watches Paul coming to Jerusalem to gather the Gentile church representatives (that is the Gentile fullness according to him), to Jerusalem. But Paul was imprisoned in Jerusalem (made appeal to Rome) and was unable to go to West as a free missionary. Paul somehow wanted to gain Gentiles of West to fulfill the number and met the Emperor of West as the Emperor is the representative of that area. So Paul expected the fullness of Gentiles to be completed paying the way for the salvation of

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